Intervenția UNTRR nr. 460/11.03.2020 adresată dnei. Adina - Ioana VĂLEAN – Comisar European pentru Transporturi, ref.: solicitare derogare de la interzicerea efectuării repausului săptămânal normal în cabina autovehiculului în statele UE care impun astfel de restricții demersuri, ca măsură de prevenire a răspândirii virusului COVID – 19

No.460 /11.03.2020

European Commission
Mrs. Adina Ioana V
ĂLEAN, Commissioner for Transport


Ref.: request for a derogation from the ban to spend regular weekly rest in the cabin, as a prevention measure in the context of coronavirus outbreak in the EU


Dear Commissioner,


The National Union of Road Hauliers from Romania – UNTRR would like to signalize You the serious impact on Romanian road transport companies of the coronavirus outbreak in the EU.

COVID-19 epidemic in Italy has led to an average decrease of 15% in international road freight transport performed by Romanian companies. In the transport of passengers, the decrease is up to 100% in relation to Italy. Recently, UNTRR produced a reportage at the Nădlac border crossing point 2 and discussed with the professional drivers about the measures taken by the Romanian authorities to combat the epidemic with the new coronavirus - COVID-19. The reportage was made on 8-9 March 8 2020 and can be watched at the following link on the UNTRR Youtube page: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_vlQ34LPOs&feature=youtu.be, the UNTRR Facebook page and old.untrr.ro .

Considering this alarming and aggravating situation for all the EU countries, UNTRR asks European Commission’s urgent intervention in order to apply a temporary derogation from the ban on spending the regular weekly rest (45 h) in the cabin of the truck by several EU Member States, based on the Regulation (EC) no. 561/2006 on the harmonization of certain provisions of the social legislation in the field of road transport. By allowing the regular 45-hour weekly rest in the cabin, professional drivers will be more isolated and the risk of getting infected with the new coronavirus will be more reduced than in the event that they will continue to be obliged to stay at the hotel.

Expressing our trust in Your support, we would like to thank You and assure You of our highest consideration.

Yours sincerely,

Secretary General


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Ultima modificare a paginii: 12.03.2020


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