Press Releases
- 31.07.2020, PRESS RELEASE: Dark Friday for Eastern road hauliers: Mobility Package 1 has been published today in the Official Journal of the EU, marking the death sentence of Romanian international road freight transport
- PRESS RELEASE, 18.09.2019: Mobility Package 1 should not enter in trialogue without a proper assessment of its impact on EU transport market and the environment! UNTRR calls upon the new Members of TRAN to refer the three files of the Mobility Package 1 back to the European Commission and to avoid entering in trialogue
- Communiqué de presse, 11.03.2019: UNTRR attire de nouveau l’attention sur l’hypocrisie du président de France, qui par la lettre adressée aux citoyens européens lutte «Pour une Renaissance Européenne». Le slogan «Liberté, protection et progrès» contredit par les politiques promues par le President MACRON
- PRESS RELEASE, 11.03.2019: UNTRR draws the attention, again, to the hypocrisy of the President of France, who advocates "For European renewal" in a letter addressed to the European citizens The motto „Freedom, Protection and Progress” is in contradiction to the policies promoted by President Macron
- PRESS RELEASE, 16.10.2017: UNTRR signed a mutual declaration between transport & logistics associations, bus & coach associations, chambers of commerce and employers’ confederations from 17 EU members countries against the application of the Posting of Workers Directive (96/71/EC) to international transport operations in the EU
- PRESS RELEASE, 18.08.2017: UNTRR requests President Iohannis to defend firmly the Romanian hauliers’ interests upon the visit of the French President to Romania. UNTRR denounces the French protectionism in the transport sector and the hypocritical preoccupation of France with “equal payment for equal work”, applied selectively only to employees, but not to Romanian hauliers, who are paid below the French reference cost
- UNTRR letter to President of France, Mr. Emmanuel Macron
- Communiqué de presse, 23.08.2017: UNTRR sollicite au Monsieur le Président Iohannis de défendre fermement l’intérêt des transporteurs roumains à l’occasion de la visite du Monsieur le Président de la France en Roumanie. UNTRR dénonce le protectionnisme français dans les transports et la préoccupation hypocrite de la France pour le « paiement égal pour le travail égal » sélectivement appliquée uniquement aux employés, pas aux transporteurs roumains, qui sont payés sous le coût de référence français
- PRESS RELEASE, 26.06.2017: UNTRR calls on the French Government to apply the principle of equal payment for the same services in the same place also to foreign road hauliers
- Press Release, 07.06.2017: The National Union of Road Hauliers from Romania - UNTRR requests the European Commission and European Parliament to stop the application of a double standard in the interpretation of Regulation (EC) No 561/2006
- Press release 12 May 2015: T-Festival: a marathon event that brought together both special contests and broad public and six conferences dedicated to transport industry
- Press release April 06, 2015: UNTRR informs on the erroneous illustrate materials on the Romanian citizen kidnapping in Burkina Faso
- PRESS RELEASE, March 27, 2015: The German Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs replied to UNTRR letter regarding the application of Germany’s Minimum Wage Act
- PRESS RELEASE, March 26, 2015: MKFE, UNTRR, ZMPD, CESMAD Bohemia and LINAVA – transport associations representing road transport companies from Hungary, Romania, Poland, Czech Republic and Lithuania – signed a joint petition to the European Parliament handed to Mr. Istvan Újhelyi – Vice-Chair of EP Transport and Tourism Committee, during the protest organized in Brussels, in front of the European Parliament on March 25th
- PRESS RELEASE, March 24, 2015: UNTRR, MKFE, ZMPD, CESMAD Bohemia, LINAVA – the road transport associations from Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania – join forces and organize a common protest in Brussels against neo-protectionist measures like MiLoG and Loi Macron, on 25th of March 2015, Place du Luxembourg
- PRESS RELEASE, March 18, 2015: UNTRR organized a protest at the embassies of Germany and France
- PRESS RELEASE, January 14, 2015: Germany is creating a dangerous precedent for the EU, by imposing its national regulations on the other 27 EU Member States, without the European Commission or the European Parliament!
- PRESSEERKLÄRUNG, 7.Januar 2015: Quo vadis,Europäische Union? Deutschland verpflichtet die Verkehrsunternehmen anderer Mitgliedsstaaten zu einem Mindestlohn und schliesst sich somit den westlichen Staaten an,die Massnahmen gegen Erbringung freier Dienstleistungen innerhalb der EU ergreifen.Die Strafe für die Nichtgewährleistung des deutschen Mindestlohns kann sich auf 500.000 Euro belaufen.
- PRESS RELEASE, 06.01.2015: Quo vadis, the European Union? Germany imposes a minimum wage to the carriers of other Member States, joining the Western States which have adopted measures against freedom of services in the EU. Penalty for non-compliance with the minimum wage per hour in Germany can reach EUR 500.000!
- Press release, 29.08.2014: The French government has enforced new national regulations that might inflame the vandalism acts within the European road transport
- Communiqué de presse, 29.08.2014: Le gouvernement francais a pris de mesures qui peuvent intensifier les actes de vandalisme dans le transport routier européen
Last page edit: 08/19/2020