LearninG aBOUT THe tir System
By uSING THE iru’S distance learning pACKAGE

This paper introduces the TIR Distance Learning Package, developed by the IRU and
gives a brief description of the:

Purpose of the Learning Package. 1

Structure of the Learning Package. 1

Objectives of the Learning Package. 2

Different ways to use the Learning Package. 2

Contents of the Modules. 3

Modifications for optimum use of the material 3

Purpose of the Learning Package

The TIR Customs Transit System is based on the international TIR Convention and is designed to facilitate the international movement of goods entirely or partly by road transport.

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) (‘Union Internationale des Transports Routiers’) administers an international ‘guarantee’ system throughout the countries with which a TIR operation can be established. The establishment of the internationally valid ‘guarantee’ is an integral part of the TIR system.

This package has been designed by the IRU to assist persons new to the TIR system, whether they are from the transport industry, government authorities such as Customs, or other organisations with a particular interest. It is designed to develop their knowledge and understanding of the background, the formal or legal provisions contained within the TIR Convention 1975, as well as both the administrative and operational procedures involved in the effective functioning of the TIR System.

Structure of the Learning Package

There are many different aspects to TIR system operations and personal learning needs depend both on a person’s future role and the organisation’s role in TIR.
For example, the detailed knowledge requirements of a transport operator (who will move goods under TIR provisions) will be different to that of a Customs Officer controlling the transit movement – yet they share a need for common information.

Modules & Units within the package

To give the necessary flexibility, this package is structured in a modular way, so that you can combine individual modules to meet your specific training needs.

§         Modules are composed of a number of units, with each unit being self-contained and covering a particular subject.

§         Each unit consists of usually no more than five related topics, and units should take between 15 to 45 minutes to successfully complete.

§         Many of the units include a ‘Question and Answer’ section, which is used to help you measure how well you understand the content.

Objectives of the Learning Package

1.      To be used directly for ‘distance learning’ (though minor modifications can be made for national conformity.) This is often called ‘self-paced’ or ‘open’ learning and it means that a trainee who has little prior knowledge can work through the relevant modules and reach a satisfactory level of competence in his or her field. Trainees self-assess their progress, based on the question and answer sessions built into the modules.

2.      To be used as a whole, or in part, as support material that is made available to classroom trainees. Exercises within the modules can be used within the classroom and the material within the modules used to reinforce the teaching points delivered. Support material has additional value after the course if it provides a quick and an easy-to-follow reference for trainees and provides links into the formal text or provisions.

3.      To be accessible - the material should be available to all within current and future Contracting Parties. The main issues here are language and the media used for distribution.

Different ways to use the Learning Package

This package has been prepared using Microsoft Word 2003 word processing software. The package is distributed in electronic form and it can be used either by viewing on-screen, or printed out as a paper version.

If you are working from a printed version of the package you will need to have access to printed copies of the reference material listed at the front of each learning unit. For example, the ‘TIR Handbook’ published by the UNECE is essential.

If you are viewing and working through the package on-screen you can use the links (called hyperlinks) to go directly to the electronic files of reference material, such as the text of the TIR Convention, manuals and other training material. Please note that some of the links will require that you have an Internet connection.

Some additional references are in Adobe Acrobat format (i.e. ‘pdf’ files) and you need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to read these. If you don’t have Acrobat Reader installed, connect to Adobe’s website and download the latest version to suit your computer’s operating system, in your preferred language.


Contents of the Modules

This version of the TIR Learning Package contains the following modules:

Select the arrow (below, to the right) to read an explanation on how to use the training modules, then navigate back to this page and click the other arrows to see all the units within the module together with an estimate of the time needed and an indication of the target groups. 


Action Button: Custom: An explanation on how to use the Training Modules

Action Button: Custom:    Module 1: ‘General overview of the TIR System’

Action Button: Custom: Module 2: ‘Filling out a TIR Carnet’

Action Button: Custom: Module 3: ‘Description of a TIR Transport

Action Button: Custom: Module 4: ‘The SafeTIR Database & SafeTIR System’

Action Button: Custom: Module 5: ‘Procedures for TIR Carnet Holders’

Action Button: Custom: Module 6: ‘Fraud Prevention Measures’

Note: The first unit within each module contains a list of the units that compose the module, as well as a brief description of the topics covered by those units.

Modifications for optimum use of the material

The modules cover the main topics needed to learn about TIR, however they cannot hope to cover all there is to know on any particular subject. For this reason trainees are encouraged to use the mentioned reference material.

National Input

Managers with national training responsibilities are encouraged to build on the existing material by adding questions and answers that cover national procedures or instructions.

Translation into National Language

The package is currently only available in English. However, it is recognized that in many cases the material within the learning package would be more accessible if it were to be presented in national language. The documents that compose the package may be translated.

Future Changes

This training is a ‘beta’ – after its release, a survey will be conducted in order to figure out if this offer is helpful and provides appropriate support. After this process has taken place, and by including the new elements of the revised Manuals, a new release of the TIR distance learning will be made available.


© This material is the property of the IRU. It should not be used for commercial purpose and distribution of electronic copies should be approved by the IRU (mailto: TIR Training)