New tax Timişoara city Romania

Starting with 1st of January 2010 of a new tax of transit Timisoara city for the vehicles having more than 7.5 t. amounting 200 RON for every passing. The vehicles wanting to avoid Timişoara city and are going to Serbia may use the following routes: (Bucharest - Belgrad) Bucharest – Caransebes (DN6), Caransebes - Resita - Bocşa - Voiteg - Stamora Moravita (DN58 - DN58B - DN59), and from Moldova and Transilvania towards Serbia, the route is Sebes - Simeria - Hateg - Caransebes - Resita - Bocsa - Voiteg - Stamora Moravita (DN7 - DN66 - DN68 - DN58 - DN58B - DN59).

These routes are the shortest and the best avoiding the traffic from Timişoara city.

Last page edit: 12/30/2009


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