Decision no.134 dated 26.08.2004 concerning the driving of vehicles and equipments transporting goods, having the maximum total permitted weight of more than 5 tons, in Bucharest modified by Decision no132/2005
Taking into consideration the General Mayor’s report, the report of the Transport, Roads and Traffic Safety Directorate, as well as the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police notice;
Seeing the notices of the specialty commissions of the General Council of the city of Bucharest;
According to the Art.30, §.3 and the Art.113, letter “d” of the Emergency Ordinance of the Government no.195/2002 concerning the driving on public roads;
Based on the Art.61, letter “f” of the Law no.137/1995 concerning the environment protection, with the subsequent modifications and completions;
Taking into account the provisions of the Government Ordinance no.2/2001 concerning the legal regime of the minor offences;
Based on the Art.38, §.3, Art.46 §.(1) and the Art.99 of the Law no.215/2001 concerning the local public administration, with the subsequent modifications and completions;
Art.1 – In order to secure the fluency and the traffic safety, as well as the protection of the environment, inhabitants and road system, the access and the traffic of the vehicles and equipments transporting goods are restricted as follows:
within the area < A > of Bucharest, according to the Annex no.1, the access and traffic of the vehicles having the maximum total permitted weight of more than 5 tons are restricted;
within the area < B > of Bucharest, according to the Annex no.2, the access and traffic of the vehicles having the maximum total permitted weight of more than 7.5 tons are restricted.
Art.2 – The restrictions mentioned at the Art.1 will be signalized by road signs having this meaning, as well as by orientation guide posts.
Art.3 – The access within the area < B > and to the interest areas situated within the restricted areas is possible on the specified itineraries mentioned in the Annex no.3.
The transit of Bucharest is strictly forbidden for vehicles having the maximum total permitted weight of more than 5 tons, if their final destination is not Bucharest.
Art.4 – The vehicle traffic restriction within the areas mentioned in the Art.1 is as follows:
A. in the period 15th of June – 15th of September:
- between 20.00 – 07.00 hours, the access and traffic are allowed only on a permit basis;
- between 07.00 – 20.00, the access and traffic are forbidden.
B. in the period 16th of September – 14th of June:
- between 19.00 – 08.00 the access and traffic are allowed only on a permit basis;
- between 08.00 – 19.00, the access and traffic are forbidden.
Art.5 – The following categories of vehicles may drive without any hourly restrictions on the entire territory of Bucharest, on the basis of permits, other than those foreseen at the Art.4:
A. in the period 15th of June – 15th of September:
a. vehicles for maintenance of roads, technical and public utility networks, belonging to the their superintendents;
b. vehicles towing the deteriorated vehicles, abandoned or illegally parked;
c. vehicles for training and examination of the candidates for obtaining the driving licences of the C, CE and CIE categories;
d. vehicles belonging to the National Company "Posta Romana S.A.", as well as those belonging to the companies dealing with forwarding and mailing activities;
e. vehicles belonging to the companies of salubrity;
f. vehicles belonging to the public institutions, other than those specified at the Art.7;
g. vehicles transporting bread and bakery products, as well as those specialized (tanks) transporting milk;
h. vehicles belonging to the companies TRANSGAZ and DISTRIGAZ;
i. vehicles transporting dangerous goods, in the conditions stipulated by the law;
j. vehicles driving to the interest areas, specified in the Annex no.3, only on the established itineraries.
B. in the period 16th of September – 14th of June:
- Vehicles foreseen at the § A) and those designated to the construction works, in which case the request of the access permit will be accompanied by the construction permit.
Art.6 - The taxes levied for obtaining the permits stipulated by the Art. 4 and Art.5 are as follows:
a. for access and traffic within the area < A > :
- vehicles having the maximum permitted weight of up to 5 t included, are exempted from the payment of taxes;
- 20,000,000 ROL/month or 2,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 5 t and 7.5 t included,
- 40,000,000 ROL/month or 4,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 7.5 t and 12.5 t included,
- 80,000,000 ROL/month or 8,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 12.5 t and 16 t included;
- 120,000,000 ROL/month or 12,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 16 t and 22 t included;
- 160,000,000 ROL/month or 16,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 22 t and 40 t included;
- 200,000,000 ROL/month or 20,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight over 40 t;
b. for access and driving within the area < B >:
- vehicles having the maximum permitted weight of up to 5 t included, are exempted from the payment of taxes;
- 5,000,000 ROL/month or 500,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 5 t and 7.5 t included;
- 10,000,000 ROL/month or 1,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 7.5 t and 12.5 t included;
- 15,000,000 ROL/month or 1,500,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 12.5 t and 16 t included;
- 20,000,000 ROL/month or 2,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 16 t and 22 t included;
- 25,000,000 ROL/month or 2,500,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight between 22 t and 40 t included;
- 30,000,000 ROL/month or 3,000,000 ROL/day for vehicles having the maximum permitted weight over 40 t.
(N.B. 1 Euro = approx. 41,000 ROL in September 2004)
For vehicles with trailers, the maximum weight is calculated by adding the weight of the vehicle and the weight of the trailer.
Art.7 – The following categories of vehicles may drive without any hourly restrictions on the entire territory of Bucharest: the vehicles belonging to the ambulance services, civil protection, police, fire brigade, gendarmerie, border police, the Ministry of National Defence, the Ministry of Justice – the General Directorate of the Penitentiaries, the Public Ministry and the special brigades of SRI and SPP, in mission.
The vehicles belonging to the above-mentioned institutions, used for other missions than those for interventions, are subject to the provisions of Art.4 and Art.6.
Art.8 – The permits foreseen in the present Decision are delivered by the Town Hall – the Transports, Roads and Traffic Systematization Directorate. They are made of cardboard and are issued on the basis of the registration certificate; they will be presented for control accompanied by the certificate of registration of the vehicle. The permit is not transmissible.
The access area will be specified on the back of the permit, for the vehicles specified under Art.5 A) letters a)-f). The compulsory itinerary to be followed is also specified on the back of the permit, for the vehicles specified under the Art.5 A), letters g) – i) and B).
The permits valid for the A area are also valid for the B area.
The sums levied for issuing permits will be considered as an income to the budget of the General Council of Bucharest.
Yearly, until 01.12, the Transports, Roads and Traffic Systematization Directorate, the Budget Directorate, the Financial - Bookkeeping Directorate, the Income Directorate, the Acquisitions, Concessions and Contracts Directorate, will assure the achievement of the permits for the next year.
Art.9 – In case the control authorities will notice the possibility of exceeding the maximum total permitted weight of a vehicle, they can ask the driver to have the vehicle weighed.
The driver must accompany the control authority to the weighing point and have the vehicle weighed.
Art.10 – The following acts are considered as contraventions and are subject to a fine between 30,000,000 - 50,000,000 ROL (N.B around : 730 – 1,200 Euros):
a) Driving the vehicle in the restricted areas stipulated by the present Decision without having a traffic permit or with an invalid permit for the respective period of time, hour interval, tonnage, area, itinerary or category;
b) Driving a vehicle whose total weight, in case of effective weighing, exceeds the maximum permitted weight;
c) The refuse of the driver to submit the vehicle to the weighing operations requested by the control authority.
The finding of the contravention and the enforcement of the sanctions stipulated by the present Decision are made by the road police, as well as by the staff authorized by the General Mayor, in the conditions foreseen by the law.
When the offender is punished 3 times within one year, the owner of the vehicle or of the equipment, will, in addition, lose the right of driving in the restricted areas.
The provisions of the Government Ordinance no.2/2001 concerning the legal regime of the contraventions, regarding the finding, the enforcement of the sanction, the payment and collecting the fine, as well as the appeal ways, are also applied to the contraventions stipulated by the present Decision.
Art. 11 - The delimitation of the areas < A > and < B > is stipulated in the Annex no.4.
Map (Annex 4)
The annexes 1, 2 , 3 and 4 are part of the present Decision.
Art. 12 - On the date of the present Decision entering into force, the Decision no.64/2001 and the Decision no.106/2004 are repealed.
The General Mayor, through the Transports, Roads and Safety Traffic Directorate, the Budget Directorate, the Financial - Bookkeeping Directorate, the Income Directorate, the Acquisitions, Concessions and Contracts Directorate and the Inspection and General Control Directorate, the Mayors of the districts 1-6, the General Directorate of Police of the city of Bucharest, will enforce the provisions of the present Decision.
Art.13 – The present Decision enters into force on 15th September 2004.
This decision was adopted in the ordinary meeting of the General Council of the city of Bucharest dated the 26th of August 2004
Mioara Mantale
Dumitru Stanescu
Bucharest, 26.08.2004
The access and driving of the vehicles having the maximum permitted weight of more than 5 t is restricted in the area A of Bucharest which is delimited by the following roads:
Bd. Dacia – Traian street – Dimitrie Onciul street – Zece Mese street – Nerva Traian street – Bd. Octavian Goga – Bd. Marasesti – Mitropolit Nifon street – Bd. Libertatii – Bd. Natiunile Unite – B. P. Hasdeu street – Splaiul Independentei – C-tin Noica street – M. Vulcanescu street – Bd. Dacia – Piata Romana.
The access and driving of the vehicles having the maximum permitted weights of more than 7.5 t h is restricted in the area B of Bucharest which is delimited by the following roads :
Bd. Aerogarii – Cpt. Alex. Serbanescu street – Barbu Vacarescu street – Fabrica de Glucoza street – Sos. Petricani – Doamna Ghica street – Sos. Colentina – Sos. Fundeni – Morarilor street – Bd. Basarabia - Bd. 1 Decembrie 1918 – Bd. Th. Palady – Bd. Camil Ressu – Fizicienilor street – Bd. Energeticienilor – Calea Vitan – Sos. Vitan Barzesti – Ion Iriceanu street – Turnu Magurele street – Luica street – Sos. Giugiului – Alexandru Anghel street – Prelungirea Ferentari street – Calea Ferentarilor – M. Sebastian street – Calea 13 Septembrie – Bd. Ghencea – Brasov street – Sos. Virtutii – Calea Crangasi – Pasaj Grant – Calea Grivitei – Bd. Bucurestii Noi – Jiului street – Bd. Poligrafiei – Pasaj Jiului – Baiculesti street – Sos. Straulesti – Bd. Ion Ionescu de la Brad
1. Access to the B area can be made:
- from the Bucuresti – Pitesti motorway: through Bd. Iuliu Maniu,Valea Cascadelor street, Valea Oltului street, Prelungirea Ghencea street;
- from D.N. 6: through Sos.Alexandriei, Sos. Antiaeriana
2. Access to the interest areas within the restricted areas can be made:
- To the customs offices in Bd. Timisoara: through Bd. Timisoara, from Valea Cascadelor street or Valea Oltului street, up to Romancierilor street and return;
- To the industrial area between Bd. Timisoara, Bd. Iuliu Maniu, Bd. Vasile Milea, Lujerului street: through Bd. Timisoara, Bd. Vasile Milea, Bd. Iuliu Maniu and return;
- To the industrial area between Drumul Sarii street, M.Sebastian street, Cal. Rahovei and Progresului street: through Calea 13 Septembrie street, M. Sebastian street, Razoare street, Progresului street, Sos.Panduri and return, through Calea 13 Septembrie street;
- To the industrial area between Calea Rahovei street, Bd. G. Cosbuc, C-tin Istrati street, Progresului street: through Calea Rahovei, Bd. G. Cosbuc, C-tin Istrati street, Progresului street;
- To the industrial area on the "Rocar" platform: through Toporasi street;
- To the industrial area between Ziduri Mosi street, Bd. Ferdinand, Bd. Garii Obor, Baicului street, Paharnicu Turturea street, Heliade intre Vii street, Doamna Ghica street: through Doamna Ghica street, Heliade street between Vii, Paharnicu Turturea street, Baicului street, Bd. Garii Obor, Bd. Ferdinand, Ziduri Mosi street and return;
- To the customs offices in Bd. Expozitiei: through Bd. Bucurestii Noi, Bd. Ion Mihalache, Clabucet street, Bd. Expozitiei, and return through Putul lui Craciun street;
- To the industrial area in Splaiul Unirii: from Sos. Vitan Barzesti and Sos. Mihai Bravu, through Splaiul Unirii, up to Sos. Mihai Bravu and return.
Decision no.134 dated 26.08.2004
concerning the driving of vehicles and equipments transporting goods, having the maximum total permitted weight of more than 5 tons, in Bucharest was modified by Decision no132/2005 as follows
A. from 1July to 31 august:
- between 20.00 – 07.00 hours, the access and traffic are allowed only on a permit basis;
- between 07.00 – 20.00, the access and traffic are forbidden.
B. from1 September to 30 June:
- between 19.00 – 08.00 the access and traffic are allowed only on a permit basis;
- · between 08.00 – 19.00, the access and traffic are forbidden.
The access and driving of the vehicles having the maximum permitted weight of more than 5 t is restricted in the area A of Bucharest which is delimited by the following roads:
Bd. Dacia – Traian street – Dimitrie Onciul street – Zece Mese street – Nerva Traian street – Bd. Octavian Goga – Bd. Marasesti – Mitropolit Nifon street – Bd. Libertatii –Calea 13 septembrie – Pandurilor St – Grozavesti St – Orhideelor St – Dinicu Golescu Bvd – Gara de nord Square – Calea Grivitei – Nicolae Titulescu St – Banu Manta Bvd – Ion Mihalache Bvd. – Maresal Averescu Bvd. – Constantin Prezan Bvd. – Aviatorilor Bvd. – Mircea Eliade Bvd. – P.I. Ceaikovski Bvd – Barbu Vacarescu St – Tunari St – Dacia Bvd
Starting with 17.11.2008 the permits for the access of the vehicles transporting goods with a MPW of more than 5t in Bucharest, may be purchased at the following petrol stations SC PETROM SA:
- Olteniţei
- Pantelimon
- Giurgiului
- Cernica
- Alexandriei
- Militari
- KM 36
- Chitila
- Domneşti
- Chitila Sat
The petrol stations from 1 Decembrie, Buftea studio and Voluntari-Petrom V, will be opened soon.