Contacts in government ministries/authorities for general issues relating to dangerous goods
The competent authority (according to paragraph 1.8.4 of Annex A) for the carriage of dangerous goods in Romania is the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure.
Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure - Directorate for Road Transport
Address: 38 Dinicu Golescu Ave., Bucharest - Sector 1, Romania
Phone/Fax: + 4021 313 99 54
The competent authority for the carriage of class 7 (radioactive materials) is the National Commission for the Control of the Nuclear Activities, a public institution which is coordinated by the Prime Minister.
National Commission for the Control of the Nuclear Activities - CNCAN
Address: 14 Libertatii Ave., Sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
Phone: +4021 316 05 72
Fax: +4021 317 38 87
Competent bodies authorized to apply certain parts of the Annexes of ADR
Licensing of road transport activities, certification of ADR drivers and dangerous goods safety advisers and ADR enforcement - the Romanian Road Transport Authority -ARR within the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure.
Romanian Road Transport Authority - ARR
Address: 38 Dinicu Golescu Bvd, Sector 1, Bucharest
Phone/Fax: +4021 318 21 00, +4021 313 48 54
Requirements concerning the construction of vehicles - Certificates of approval for vehicles - Part 9 of the ADR - the Romanian Automotive Register within the Ministry of Transports and Infrastructure.
Romanian Automotive Registry - RAR
Address: 391 Calea Grivitei, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania
Phone/fax: + 4021 224 33 92
Testing of packagings and tanks, approval of tanks
Address: 137, Plevnei Street, Bucharest
Phone: +4021 223 00 64
Fax: +4021 223 29 79
Approval of packagings
National Environmental Protection Agency - ANPM
Address: 297 Splaiul Independenţei Street, Sector 6, Bucharest
Phone: +4021 207 11 01, +4021 207 11 02
Fax: +4021 207 11 03
For further information on notified bodies in Romania, please access the following link:
Authorization of the operations with the explosives
Romanian Police - Directorate for Weapons, Explosives and Toxic Substances
Address: 13-15, Stefan Cel Mare Bvd, sector 2, Bucharest
Phone: + 4021 208 25 25 int. 26949
Fax: +4021 312 78 20
Authorization of the transport of the precursors susceptible to be used to the illicit producing of drugs
National Anti-Drug Agency - ANA
Address: 37 Unirii Bvd, bl. A4, Sector 3, Bucharest
Phone: + 4021 317 56 03
Fax: + 4021 316 67 27
Tunnel regulations, route planning
National Company for Motorways and National Roads - CNADNR
Address: 38 Dinicu Golescu Bvd, Sector 1, Bucharest
Phone/Fax: +4021 318 66 09, + 4021 318 66 31
Emergency response
General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations - IGSU
Address: 46 Banu Dumitrache Street, Sector 2, Bucharest
Phone: +4021 208 61 50
Fax: +4021 242 09 90
The NATIONAL EMERGENCY NUMBER is 112 and it can be accessed all over the country.
National Emergency response number - 112
Special Telecommunications Service - STS
Website: and
Documents required when transporting dangerous goods?
The documents stipulated in 8.1.2. of the ADR.
When transporting wastes, for route planning regulations - You must contact: IGSU, Romanian Police for explosives and CNCAN for class 7.
ROMANIA currently accepts the use of both agreements ADR 2007 and 2009 for a carriage operation until 30 June 2009. This is the aim of the paragraph of ADR. We sustain the common interpretation reflected at paragraphs 15 to 17 of the report of the joint meeting RID/ADR/ADN held on March 2009 -ECE-TRANS-WP15-AC1-114f:
UN numbers of Class 1 require a particular transport permit which is granted by the Romanian Police.
UN numbers of Class 7 require a transport permit issued by the National Commission for the Control of the Nuclear Activities - CNCAN.
Tunnel regulations and tunnel categorizations do not apply in Romania as there are no road tunnels exceeding 500 meters in Romania at the moment.
Controls in Romania of transport of dangerous goods are carried out by the Romanian Road Transport Authority, the Road Police (, the Border Police ( and the National Environment Guard (
Further information on statistics, enforcement etc. is available on the website: or starting from page 12.
The Council Directive 95/50/EC of 6 October 1995 on uniform procedures for checks on the transport of dangerous goods by road was transposed by Government Decision no. 1175/2007. The amount of the fines in Euro on risk categories is, on an approximate conversion: III - 500 - 1000 Euros; II - 1200 - 1750 Euros; I - 2000 - 2500 Euros.
In Romania the heavy vehicles (tanks vehicles, lorries, etc.) carrying dangerous goods have to be equipped on top of the cabin with a warning orange light - this regulation was imposed by law in the Road Traffic Code.