PRESS RELEASE, March 24, 2015: UNTRR, MKFE, ZMPD, CESMAD Bohemia, LINAVA – the road transport associations from Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania – join forces and organize a common protest in Brussels against neo-protectionist measures like MiLoG and Loi Macron, on 25th of March 2015, Place du Luxembourg

UNTRR, MKFE, ZMPD, CESMAD Bohemia, LINAVA – the road transport associations from Romania, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania – join forces and organize a common protest in Brussels against neo-protectionist measures like MiLoG and Loi Macron,
on 25th of March 2015, Place du Luxembourg

UNTRR obtained the Brussels City Hall’s approval to conduct a public protest in Brussels on 25 March 2015 from 14:00 to 16:00 (local time) on the Place du Luxembourg, the European Parliament (EP). Due to the fact that Brussels is under a special condition of terrorism alert, the protest is to be organized under special rules and all the participants need to follow the rules. Special badges will be distributed to the participants officially registered to the protest.
At this time, from 15.00pm, the European Parliament will be in a plenary session which will discuss protectionism in EU - minimum rates of payment in the transport sector and the Commission statement on compliance with European law by the minimum wage law in Germany (MiLog).

This will be the first protest organized in Brussels after a series of public manifestation which took place at national level.

For more info please visit: www.stopneoprotectionism.eu

The media is invited to join the protest: contact person: roxana.ilie@untrr.ro; 0040.720.999.212

Last page edit: 03/24/2015


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