Press release April 06, 2015: UNTRR informs on the erroneous illustrate materials on the Romanian citizen kidnapping in Burkina Faso

Bucharest, April 6th, 2015 - The National Union of Road Hauliers from Romania (UNTRR) informs that the photo of UNTRR's employee, Mr. Florin Vasile Iuhos, is used incorrectly to illustrate the materials articles / news related to the Romanian citizen's kidnapping employed by the company Pan African Minerals, in Burkina Faso.

UNTRR also grasps that on the background of the photo with our employee, there are several objects with UNTRR logo. Our association is delimited completely with any association with this event and demands a prompt correction of information and illustrative material published.

UNTRR expresses its support for a fast resolution of the situation and finding the person abducted in Burkina Faso, and its support for the person's family.

Please find attached UNTRR logo and photograph of our employee, Mr. Florin Vasile Iuhos, which is today at his office in Str. Prunului no. 66, Arad.

Florin Vasile Iuhos


National Union of Road Hauliers from Romania (UNTRR) is a professional and employers, nonn-governmental, independent, apolitical, founded in 1990 on democratic principles, promoting and defending the interests of road transport domestically and internationally, recording its foundation to the present over 13,000 members - operators carrying out domestic and international freight transport and people.

Last page edit: 04/06/2015


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